Agustí Jover presented the first report on the retail real estate rental market in Barcelona (2015 – first half of 2018) in an event organised by the Cambra de la Propietat Urbana de Barcelona.

The event was presented by Mr Joan Ràfols, president of the Cambra de la Propietat Urbana de Barcelona, Mr Albert Civit, director of Incasòl and Ms M. Jesús Calvo, head of the Department of Statistics and Data Dissemination at Barcelona City Council.

After the presentation of the report, a round table was held with the participation of Ms Immaculada Amat, president of Amat Immobiliaris, Mr Gabriel Jené, president of Barcelona Oberta, Ms Dolors Jiménez, Business Development Manager at Gesvalt, and Mr Santiago Pagès, president of the Retail Commission of the Association of Economists of Catalonia

The round table was moderated by Mr Jordi Goula, a journalist.
