PROMO Assessors Comsultors is the author of the agenda and the economic and financial feasibility of the Town Urban Planning of the city of Vic, recent award-winning project of the prize Premi Catalunya d’Urbanisme Manel de Solà Morales 2020, which it has convened for the 12th edition the Societat Catalana d’Ordenació del Territori (Institut d’Estudis Catalans).

The award is given every two years and considers the best plan drawn up or approved, in process of being drafted, exposed to the public or approved in the last five years, and in the area of Catalan-speaking territories. The projects are valued under criteria of innovation, capacity for transformation, exemplary value, replicability, capacity for anticipation or sustainability, among others.

The objective of the award is to evaluate and stimulate efforts in improvement and innovation applied to urban planning and to management and land use planning. The new Town Urban Planning of Vic was finally approved on May 15, 2019, and constitutes the urban planning guide of Vic until the year 2030.

Congratulations to all the professionals and technicians who have been members of the Plan Drafting Team, and to all those who have made it possible.

News media (in catalan):
The Town Urban Planning documents:

Premi Catalunya urbanisme